The Team

We are very cool people

For years, Wei Jing - an irredeemable knitting addict and the founder of Knitly Knitting - would be brought to the brink of homicide when Darin, her now-husband, would start talking to her while she was trying to not lose count of her cast-on.

One day, perhaps inspired by a desire for self-preservation, Darin, also a knitter and a former MIT Machine Learning researcher, had a realization: humans are terrible at keeping track of lots of little stitches, but machines are great at that!

They enlisted the help of a friend of theirs, Darsh - another MIT Machine Learning researcher - and together they decided: let’s bring AI into crafts.

So in 2020 we started developing our first use case: an automated stitch counter using Machine Vision. If people like it and use it, the plan is to do more from there: Row counting, error identification, crochet counting, pattern tracking, pattern and yarn recommendations, beginner assistance, and more are all on the list!